3 Footed Monster Spotted at Base Camp Workout
Are you mad about fitness and want to check your form, or maybe want to show off your moves by recording your workout sessions? Check out how the 3 Footed Monster makes it easy. -
The Adelaide Set - 3 Footed Monster Review
Demonstrating the diversity of our universal magnetic mount, Tatum from The Adelaide Set decided to demonstrate how to film some great shots while working out with her iPhone using our provided attachment. -
fullBOOST Media “ The most versatile camera mount we've ever used”
Mark Boxer of 3 Footed Monster discusses in depth about his universal magnetic camera mounting system with fullBOOST Media. 'The most versatile camera mount we've ever used!' - fullBOOST Media
Magnetic Mount Testing Results
We spent a some time testing the strength of the 3 Footed Monster when applied to car exteriors. Check out the results here.