fullBOOST Media “ The most versatile camera mount we've ever used”

fullBOOST Media Reviews the 3 Footed Monster
'The most versatile camera mount we've ever used!'
- fullBOOST Media
Mark Boxer of 3 Footed Monster discusses in depth about his universal magnetic camera mounting system with fullBOOST Media. He also covers the history of the product and its development, what's included with each 3 Footed Monster kit, and he also provides heaps of examples and demonstrations showing how versatile his product really is to use.
Check out the video below for the full interview and product review.
'We have been using these for the past few years, they are nothing short of fantastic!' - fullBOOST Media
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If you have questions about our product, or to get involved, please feel free to start the conversation by contacting us via email at: monster@3footedmonster.com.
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